GSTT has a rich history of academic excellence, with Perioperative Medicine, Critical Care and Pain being one of the largest recruiters of NIHR patients in the UK. There has been a recent drive to redevelop academic anaesthesia at GSTT, and there are some world-class clinicians and researchers building upon past successes. A core research group of anaesthetists exists, which includes regional anaesthesia, airway, obstetrics, thoracics, perioperative medicine, with an Editor for Anaesthesia in our midst. Should you wish to discuss becoming involved with research, please feel free to contact us via the details below:
Ongoing Research Proposals/Studies:
- FLO-ELA – PI: Mike Shaw
To determine whether cardiac output monitoring for goal-directed fluid therapy in patients aged 50+ during and for up to six hours after emergency laparotomy reduces the number of deaths within 90 days of surgery.
- PRISM – PI: Ada Ezihe-Ejofor
Randomising patients having abdominal surgery to receive post-op CPAP for 4 hours – interventional trial.
- ASISTUS – CI: Nat Nguyen-Lu
- LETWR/Warm Top – CI Kate Cheeseman
Prospective randomised controlled, double blinded study – 22 recruits so far out of 90. Suggested for fellows or research nurses to screen, recruit and consent – any members of the team to support in their SPA time.
- DREAMY – PI: Desire Onwochei
A multi-centre observational study. Aim to produce an analysis of the number of incidence of AAGA in obstetric surgery.
Observational portfolio study. Recruitment has gone through POPS.
- PRILOCC-CI: Kate Cheesman; PI: Desire Onwochei
Randomised controlled trial. Now classified as a CTIMP.
- R2R – CI: Heena Bid
Randomised controlled study. Focusing on 3 groups to attend workshops over an 8-week period. Physio contact and use of app (Medopad).
- ParaSOL – CI: Cheng Ong
Double-blinded randomised controlled trial. Primary outcome Cumulative morphine requirement over the 48-hour time period post arrival in recovery.
- DAMHE – CI: Jan Schumacher
Simulation study – Aim to recruit 30 people.
- ITACS – PI: George Hallward
Intravenous Iron for Treatment of Anaemia before Cardiac Surgery.
- AnCCER – CI: Ada Ezihe-Ejifor
- Remimazolam – PI: Kariem El-Boghdadly
International, multi-centre, phase 3 trial.
Publications from anaesthetists in this department include:
The upcoming Research Conferences are listed below: