Welcome to the Cardiac Anaesthesia and Overnight Recovery (OIR) modules. For many of you this is the first exposure to a very highly specialized field of anesthesia and our main aim during this rotation is to guarantee a smooth induction into it. There is a formal half day induction program running twice per year for every new cohort of trainees starting in January and August.

The cardiac anaesthesia and cardiac intensive care – OIR rotation can be a very challenging environment for trainees of all levels, especially on the ST4 level and therefore we have designed an education program in line with your needs based on the feedback we had from previous years. The main principal remains the reinforcement of the theoretical knowledge alongside with the clinical practice in cardiac theatres and OIR.

A weekly teaching program covers most aspects of anesthesia related with this sub-speciality. Small group teaching for all trainees available on the day takes place in the library at the anaesthetic office. Main objectives remain the consolidation of the knowledge obtained during the rotation and the better understanding of topics like the pre assessment before cardiac surgery, the principles of cardiopulmonary bypass, management of cardiac patients in theatres and intensive care, pharmacology of inotropes, interpretation of  transoesophageal echocardiography, pacing etc. Also some of the topics are designed in order to provide a refreshment in view of the Final FRCA exam. Fontan circulation, cyanotic heart diseases, deep hypothermic circulatory arrest are also discussed on this module.

We look forward to seeing you and we hope that you enjoy this rotation as well as the related teaching sessions.


The adult and paediatric cardiac anaesthesia team.

16th Aug 2021 – Introduction to the cardiac anaesthesia module

16th Aug 2021 – CABG surgical guide for anaesthetists

OIR Hot Topics

Venue: Library, Anaesthetic Office, East Wing, 2nd Floor